
Opera 的加密浏览器在连接其他八个区块链后增加对 Elrond 的支持

Web3 浏览器 Opera 将很快将可扩展的区块链 Elrond 集成到其加密浏览器中,允许用户通过其集成的 Opera 钱包访问网络。

Opera added support for Elrond, the ninth blockchain to be integrated with the browser. (Danny Nelson/CoinDesk)

Web3 浏览器 Opera 将很快将可扩展的区块链 Elrond 集成到其加密浏览器中,允许用户通过其集成的 Opera 钱包访问网络。

Opera, one of the original web browsers, has been building crypto products since 2018. It released a beta version of its specialist “Crypto Browser Project” in January.

In March, the Norwegian browser company added in-browser crypto wallet support for eight other blockchains, including Solana and Polygon.

Opera and other crypto-focussed browsers, like Brave, have been betting big on an explosion in Web3, which refers to the third generation of Internet services driven by blockchain. The increased Web3 integration will make it easier for users to interact with different decentralized finance (去中心化金融) and other on-chain ecosystems.

“The vision we share and the common goal of minimizing user onboarding friction into Web3 are the driving force behind this new collaboration,” Beniamin Mincu, CEO of Elrond, said.

Later this year, Opera will add support for Elrond’s dapps, blockchain applications that run without a central administrator, and its native token EGLD, Senior product manager of Opera Crypto Browser, Danny Yao told CoinDesk.

According to a press release shared with CoinDesk, Opera has over 300 million users. At press time, Opera refused to disclose its crypto users’ number.


zh_CNChinese (China)