
캐나다 주요 암호화폐 거래소 코인스퀘어, 고객 데이터 유출

이메일에 따르면 침해로 인해 "고객 이름, 이메일 주소, 거주지 주소, 전화번호, 생년월일, 장치 ID, 공용 지갑 주소, 거래 내역 및 계정 잔액"이 노출되었습니다. 이메일은 어제 발송되었지만 코인스퀘어는 지난주 침해 사실을 발견하고 트위터를 통해 고객에게 알렸습니다.

Coinsquare, one of Canada’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, may have been breached, but the company claims customer assets are “secure in cold storage and are not at risk.”

The exchange, which touts itself as “Canada’s trusted platform to securely buy, sell and trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more,” emailed customers yesterday to report a “data incident” in which an unauthorized third party accessed a customer database containing personal information.

이메일에 따르면 침해로 인해 "고객 이름, 이메일 주소, 거주지 주소, 전화번호, 생년월일, 장치 ID, 공용 지갑 주소, 거래 내역 및 계정 잔액"이 노출되었습니다. 이메일은 어제 발송되었지만 코인스퀘어는 지난주 침해 사실을 발견하고 트위터를 통해 고객에게 알렸습니다.

“No passwords were exposed. We have no evidence any of this information was viewed by the bad actor,” the email stated.

Coinsquare suspended activities on its platform after detecting the vulnerability last week, triggering speculation of possible liquidity issues, given the momentous implosion of multi-billion-dollar crypto exchange, FTX, earlier this month. Full service was restored on Friday, according to a tweet.

“We want to reiterate that 100% of client funds are safely held in cold storage and are not used for business activities,” the company 트윗.

CoinDesk reached out to Coinsquare for further comments and the exchange is yet to respond.

